Hey, y’all. I’m still here. It’s been a hectic few months.
Pop quiz: where does Gimli (the axe-wielding dwarf from Lord of the Rings) live when he’s not busy slaying orcs?
Answer: my head.
It’s the only possible explanation for the migraine madness that has been my life. I began tracking my migraines seriously with the aid of an app (no, I’m not kidding) in the last ten days of June. During which I had ten migraines. Followed by twenty three in July. Fourteen in August. Ten in September.
That = incapacitating.
However, for the first time in a long time, I see a light at the end of the tunnel. (And it doesn’t feel like a train.) Notice the downward trend in the numbers? It may not seem like much, but it’s a huge reduction, and it is steadily going down. With the help of my new neurologist, new medication, and some radical dietary and lifestyle changes, my migraines have become less frequent and less severe.
They’re not gone, though, by any means. There were two blissful weeks when I had no headaches, and I want that feeling back. At this point I’d do anything for it. Gimli was here just this morning, though, swinging his axe behind my left eye. I pitched the bastard an Imitrex and it seems to have done the trick.
But in an effort to keep the axe out from behind my eyes and the base of my skull (Gimli’s favorite targets), I’ve resorted to what may sound like crazy stuff.
For instance:
No more coffee. This was a real challenge. Mark laughed when I told him I was going to stop drinking coffee. I’m pretty sure he hid in the bathroom and wept, anticipating that lack of caffeine would turn me into a pre-menstrual she-devil from the 9th circle of hell. Considering that I wasn’t even functional enough in the mornings to make my own coffee (he’s been doing it for me since we married), it was a reasonable fear. Maybe that’s why all the knives disappeared from the block while we tapered from high octane to part decaf to none.
Someone on Twitter likened giving up coffee to giving up orgasms. While I wouldn’t go that far, I do love coffee in all forms. Starting in high school I depended on it to get my mornings started. By my first year of law school I was drinking a half a pot a morning. No more. These days I’m drinking peppermint tea. And I have a much easier time getting out of bed in the morning. (But no, it’s not the same.)
Also, no alcohol. Since July, I’ve abstained, except for two occasions. Both drinks were high quality vodka with a touch of club soda, and I only had one. My head didn’t react to either, so I’m hoping alcohol will eventually prove to be ok in moderation. Now, wine is a separate category. At this point I wouldn’t dare touch it. And I adore wine. And bourbon. Hey, there’s a shot glass at the top of this page. Mama likes the sauce. But she likes being pain free better.
Most importantly, I’ve changed my diet to include more greens and less processed food, and less animal products as well. No, I’m not a vegan or even a vegetarian, but I’m now the proud owner of a blender with more horsepower than our lawnmower, and I fill it with a mix of leafy greens and veggies daily, blending up green concoctions that Mark finds noxious but I’ve grown to enjoy. Chinese broccoli with dandelion greens and carrot tops, anyone?
All this has meant I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time reading about the effects of diet on migraine and inflammatory disease, not to mention shopping for crazy unfamiliar items at Earth Fare, and trying to cram a produce aisle’s worth of greens into the fridge each week.
I think it’s helping. I pray it’s helping. And I’m going to keep it up, because Lord knows, I don’t want the thing my kids to remember about their childhood to be all the time Mommy spent in bed in a dark room. At this point I’ll try anything.
So if you tell me that doing yoga naked under a full moon will help, you can expect to see me on the lawn at midnight with my mat.
I don’t even care if you alert the paparazzi.
Photo source: http://ow.ly/6LDLM